
Derby-Shelton Rotarians continued their work on COVID-19 issues with another delivery of protective masks to the community and this time there is a special emphasis on children. The Club has distributed 1,500 colorful children’s masks to the Boys & Girls Club, Boy Scouts of the Housatonic Council, BHCare which includes […]

Rotarians Distribute Children’s Masks

Derby-Shelton Rotarians have been quite busy filling buckets of sand/salt and distributing them to senior citizens in Derby and Shelton. This year was a new record with over 140 buckets distributed in the two towns. Kim Ryan-Caro did another incredible job in coordinating the project. She worked with senior centers […]

Sand for Seniors 2020

For the fifth straight year Liberty Bank, the Liberty Bank Foundation, and 48 Rotary clubs partnered to raise money to not only provide money for Thanksgiving food but to stock our local food banks for the coming months. The Liberty Bank Foundation donated 25 cents for every dollar collected. The […]

A Newer Thanksgiving Tradition Continued

Here’s an update to our earlier story about Rotary’s commitment to the Million Dollar Mask Challenge from Derby/Shelton President Judy Gulish: Just wanted to share our experience with the Million Dollar Mask Challenge. The district took their show on the road and Tom and I attended the event for our […]

More Masks for Nonprofits from Rotary

In a sign of the continuing difficult times, Derby-Shelton Rotgary Club said thanks to Tom Wilson for a fantastic Rotary year under very unusual and trying circumstances and welcomed Judy Gulis and her cabinet to begin another. Because of the ongoing coronavirus crisis the Club held its annual installation online […]

Derby-Shelton finishes one year and begins another

Even in these difficult times, the Derby-Shelton Rotary Club is pleased to announce the 2020 winners of Rotary scholarships. There are seven awards this year to students at Derby and Shelton High Schools. This year’s recipients are: Chromik/Turaj Scholarship ($8,000 over four years) – Kaitlyn Gerckens – Derby High School […]

Rotary Announces 2020 Scholarships