Derby-Shelton Rotary Grants 2018-2019

As the 2018-2019 Rotary year drew to a close, the club announced a total of $11,7000 in community grants. This Rotary grants program is designed for Nonprofit, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations and public agencies that serve or are within the towns of Derby and Shelton. Funds for the program come from special events run by the club.

This year’s awardees are:

United Way Harvest House $1000

Friends Forever International $500

School of Innovation (a water project in South Sudan) $500

CT Burns Care Foundation $1000

Girl Scouts of CT $1000

PCRC $1500

American Legion Boys State Program $350

Boy Scouts of America Housatonic Council $1500

Center Stage Theater $500

New Haven Symphony Orchestra $500

Junior Achievement $1000

Derby Football $350

Shelton Historical Society $500

St Martin de Porres Academy Interact Program $1000

TEAM $500

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