
  Derby-Shelton Rotarians have made a generous donation to Ruth’s House to help pay for needed renovations to their new home. Ruth’s House is a recently opened loving home for young single mothers that encourages and equips them to make positive changes in their lives, care for their children, and build […]

Rotary Supports Ruth’s House

Derby-Shelton Rotary President Kim Ryan-Caro is pleased to announce that the Club has made regular grants totaling $10,674 and two special presidential grants totaling an additional $5,000. The grants program is in addition to the Club’s Scholarship and other activities conducted throughout the year. The Club’s fund-raising activities conducted during […]

Rotary Announces 2024 Grants totaling over $15,000

Rotarians and WinnersDerby-Shelton Rotary Club is pleased to announce the winners of its six scholarships totaling $22,5000 for 2024. The Club annual provides a variety of scholarships for students of Derby and Shelton High School in a tradition that goes back decades.This year’s winners from Derby High School are: Four-year […]

Rotary Announces 2024 Scholarship Winners

In a continuing Derby-Shelton Rotary tradition for the holidays, volunteers are distributing over 100 buckets of a sand/salt mixture for use by seniors in Derby and Shelton this winter. With the first accumulating snowfall of the winter slated for this weekend, the timing is perfect! These volunteers distributed the buckets […]

Rotarians Distribute Sand for Seniors