Interact officers and advisors
The Derby-Shelton Rotary Club is thrilled to announce that both Derby and Shelton High Schools now have Rotary Interact Clubs again. Rotary Interact is set up for students aged 12-18. The purpose of Interact is the following: Develop Leadership skills and personal integrity Demonstrate Helpfulness and Respect for others Understanding the […]

Interact Is Back

It’s time for students at Derby and Shelton High Schools to submit their applications for the Rotary Club’s annual scholarship program. Applications are available through the guidance departments at the schools. Descriptions of all the scholarships can be found at You can also see a list of previous winners […]

2025 Scholarship Applications Available

DIY Tray event for polio
The Derby-Shelton Rotary Club held a special and very successful Do-it-Yourself Tray Workshop on February 7 with proceeds to benefit the Club’s efforts to eradicate Polio. Thank you to everyone who attended. Full details are in the poster below.

DIY Tray Workshop Helps to Eradicate Polio

Derby-Shelton Rotarians Celebrate the Holidays
Click here to hear the Rotarians wishes for the season At the last meeting of the year, Derby-Shelton Rotarians paused from a very busy season of community activities to celebrate each other at their annual holiday luncheon and gift exchange. Santa agrees that the Rotarians have been very good boys […]

Rotarians Pause for the Holidays

Just in time for the first warning signs of winter snow, Derby-Shelton Rotarians spent the day loading buckets of sand and slat to be delivered to senior citizens in Deby and Shelton. This annual project under the direction of Kim Caro is a time consuming and physically challenging event for […]

Sand Arrives Just in Time for Seniors

    Rotary President Lucy Andrade presented a check to Literacy Volunteers of Greater New Haven to help foster their work in the Valley area. The grant was funded jointly by Derby-Shelton Rotary and District 7980’s District Managed Grant program. The funds are going to be used to purchase textbooks […]

Grant Addresses Literacy in the Valley

The Rotary Foundation transforms our gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world.  Contributions to The Rotary Foundation are essential to securing and growing Rotary programs that improve lives and create a better world to support our peace efforts and end polio forever.   […]

Derby-Shelton Rotary Earns Foundation Honors

Rotary District 7980 successfully applied to The Rotary Foundation for a $25,000 Disaster Relief Grant for Food Insecurity.  Through the efforts of District Rotary Foundation Chair Ron Webb, the district identified the expertise of TEAM, Inc. to be the recipient of the grant.  John Monteleone, PE of the Tribury Club, […]

District 7980 Provided Food Security Relief