Rotary Celebrates Holidays With Announcements, Awards and Gifts

Derby-Shelton Rotary Club celebrated its annual Christmas/Holiday luncheon but also shared some special announcements and awards prior to sitting down to a special meal and the return of the famous “Yankee Auction” gift exchange.

Jack Walsh presented Steve Balog an autographed football in appreciation for his coordination of the Football Luncheon over the past 20 years

Jen Champagne presented Kim Ryan Caro and Curtiss-Ryan Honda a special Paul Harris Award for all they have done for the community

Kristen Bures presented the staff at Brownson Country Club a gift for all their support during the past year.

President Betsey Doane announced that Ernie Luise will be the Club’s Norman K. Parsells Award recipient

In addition to the awards, the club also elected Lucy Andrade as President-Elect, Joanne Shapiro as Treasurer, and Jeff Forte as Secretary for the 2023-2024 Rotary year. The will join President Pat Carey and Vice-President Kim Ryan Caro when they take office on July 1.

Some pictures from a fun day:

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