You never know what you will find Rotarians doing for their community, but Derby-Shelton Rotarians have taken on a new challenge – adopting a street! This month, the Club signed on to become part of the Adopt a Street program which is part of a bigger “Don’t Trash Shelton” initiative by the Anti-Litter Committee which is an ad-hoc committee formed by the Shelton Board of Aldermen in 2007 to address the growing problem of litter in Shelton. Derby-Shelton Rotary officially adopted Todd Road in Shelton as their “street”. On Friday, July 12th, the very newest Rotarian, Sharon Herman oranized and carried out our youth clean up with some Shelton High School students including Alina Palmieri, AJ Palmieri, Audrey Dunn & Justin Stiewing. It was a terribly hot day, but they did an excellent job in Rotary’s newest project! You can learn more about the Adopt a Street Program and see who else is helping to keep the streets of Shelton litter-free at

This is another example of a Rotary Action for Peace