Derby-Shelton Rotary Scholarship Program

The Derby/Shelton Rotary Club offers a very extensive scholarship program for students of Derby and Shelton High Schools. Complete information on each of the scholarships is presented below. Applications are available in the Guidance departments at the schools. Click here for a list of previous winners.

Please note these scholarships are paid to the College at the start of the second semester unless otherwise noted

Funds for this worthwhile project are derived from an endowment fund built through the club’s annual fundraising auction. Scholarship applications are made available from the Guidance Departments at the respective schools early in the year. Follow the links below to learn more about each scholarship and the past winners.

Derby-Shelton Rotary Scholarships:

For Derby High Students

For Shelton High Students

For students from either school

  • Derby/Shelton Rotary Scholarship – $1,500.00



Derby/Shelton Rotary Four-year Scholarship – $8,000

This four-year scholarship will be presented to a member of the graduating class at Derby High School.  It will be awarded to a student who will further his/her education at a four-year college.  The criteria for the selection will include:

Please note this is an $8000.00 scholarship paid over four-year $2000.00 per year at the start of the 2,4,6,8 semesters.

  1. Financial Need
  2. Community Service
  3. Extra-curricular Activities
  4. Scholarship

President Scholarship – $1,000.00

The Derby/Shelton Rotary President Scholarship will be presented to a member of the graduation class at Derby High School.  It will be awarded to a student who will further his/her education at an accredited institution of higher learning, at a two-year college or certified training program. The student must stand out for their integrity, work hard at anything they attempt and show signs that they try to live their lives by the Rotary Four Way test of the things they think say and do which is the following: A) Is it the truth, B) Is it fair to all concerned, C) Will it build good will and better friendships, D) Will it be beneficial to all concerned.

The criteria for the selection will include:

  1. Four Way Test
  2. Community Service
  3. Scholarship
  4. Financial Need

 Scholarship in Memory of Deceased Rotarians – $1,500.00

The Scholarship in Memory of Deceased Rotarians will be presented to one member of the graduating class at Derby High School.  It will be awarded to a student who will further his/her education at an accredited institution of higher learning at a four-year college for a FINANCE or BUSINESS degree.  The criteria will include:

  1. Community Service
  2. Extra-curricular Activities
  3. Financial Need


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Derby/Shelton Rotary Four-year Scholarship – $8,000.00

This four-year scholarship will be presented to a member of the graduating class at Shelton High School.  It will be awarded to a student who will further his/her education at a four-year college.  The criteria for selection will include:

Please note this is an $8,000.00 scholarship paid over four-year $2000.00 per year at the start of the 2,4,6,8 semesters.

  1. Financial Need
  2. Community Service
  3. Extra-curricular Activities
  4. Scholarship

President Scholarship – $1,000.00

The Derby/Shelton Rotary President Scholarship will be presented to a member of the graduation class at Shelton High School.  It will be awarded to a student who will further his/her education at an accredited institution of higher learning, at a two-year college or certified training program. The student must stand out for their integrity, work hard at anything they attempt and show signs that they try to live their lives by the Rotary Four Way test of the things they think say and do which is the following: A) Is it the truth, B) Is it fair to all concerned, C) Will it build good will and better friendships, D) Will it be beneficial to all concerned.

The criteria for the selection will include:

  1. Four Way Test
  2. Community Service
  3. Scholarship
  4. Financial Need

Scholarship in Memory of Deceased Rotarians – $1,500.00

The Scholarship in Memory of Deceased Rotarians will be presented to one member of the graduating class at Shelton High School.  It will be awarded to a student who will further his/her education at an accredited institution of higher learning at a four-year college for a FINANCE or BUSINESS degree.  The criteria will include:

  1. Community Service
  2. Extra-curricular Activities
  3. Financial Need

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Derby/Shelton Rotary Scholarship – $1,500.00

This one-time scholarship will be awarded to a member of the graduating class of either Derby or Shelton High School.  It will be awarded to a student who will further his/her education at an accredited institution of higher learning who excelled in sporting activity during their high school career.  The criteria for selection will include:

  1. Community Service
  2. Extra-curricular Activities
  3. Financial Need

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Derby/Shelton Rotary Scholarship – $1,500.00

This one time scholarship will be awarded to a member of the graduating class of either Derby or Shelton High School.  It will be awarded to a member of the graduating class of either Derby or Shelton High School.  It will be awarded to a student who will further his/her education at an accredited institution of higher learning for a degree in TECHNOLOGY AND ARTS.  The criteria for selection will include:

  1. Community Service
  2. Scholarship
  3. Extra-curricular Activities
  4. Financial Need

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