Savannah Harold of Derby High School from Derby High School will move on representing the Derby-Shelton Rotary Club in the District competition.
Savannah did a great job with her speech content. Her focus was on the danger of distractions while driving and how that fits into Rotary’s Four-Way Test. Some of the highlights from her speech included:
IS IT THE TRUTH – She is 17 and afraid of getting her driver’s license because she does not want to become a statistic. A lot of people get in accidents because they are distracted.
IS IT FAIR TO ALL CONCERNED – Driving while distracted is not fair to anyone. It Jeopardizes other people’s lives as well as your own.
WILL IT BUILD GOOD WILL AND BETTER FRIENDSHIPS – Texting or looking at your phone for any reason while driving can lead to losing your friend in a fatal crash.
WILL IT BE BENEFICIAL TO ALL CONCERNED? – NO, responding to a text can always wait. If something goes wrong, it’s over. Nothing is more beneficial than protecting life – yours and others.
Lucy Andrade coordinated the event for Derby-Shelton Rotary and Rotary also thanks Derby High teacher Nicole Borges for coordinaing the event at Derby High School.