Derby-Shelton Rotarians participated in Rotary Day of Service on April 9. Derby-Shelton Rotary has chosen their day of service to honor one of our community essential workers, Echo Hose EMS. Rotarians spent the day helping the Echo Hose Ambulance Corps effort to create a mock training room for EMS students to learn how to safely move immobile patients to stretchers at their Coram Avenue Training Center.
The Coram Avenue room will be a crucial training center to ensure EMS students learn how to properly move immobile citizens safely and as efficiently as possible. Hands-on learning will also involve searching for hidden weapons, medications the patient may have taken, and other real-life situational circumstances.
Our project will have lasting benefits for our essential workers and honor them for the work they do and the service they provide our community.
About a dozen Rotarians spent the day giving the training room a bright new look as the entire room received a new coat of paint.
Rotary President Julie Blakeman returned to the training center to see the walls for the classroom:
Here’s a story from the CT Post:
Take a look at some pictures from their efforts: