
Interact officers and advisors
The Derby-Shelton Rotary Club is thrilled to announce that both Derby and Shelton High Schools now have Rotary Interact Clubs again. Rotary Interact is set up for students aged 12-18. The purpose of Interact is the following: Develop Leadership skills and personal integrity Demonstrate Helpfulness and Respect for others Understanding the […]

Interact Is Back

Derby-Shelton Rotarians Celebrate the Holidays
Click here to hear the Rotarians wishes for the season At the last meeting of the year, Derby-Shelton Rotarians paused from a very busy season of community activities to celebrate each other at their annual holiday luncheon and gift exchange. Santa agrees that the Rotarians have been very good boys […]

Rotarians Pause for the Holidays

August fellowship meeting encourages Rotarians to share those special experiences that stand out as their “Rotary Moment.” Sharing these personal stories can go much farther, sometimes, than facts and figures in attracting prospective members. The ask, share your Rotary moment! What was the success story that transformed you from being […]

Rotarians Will be Sharing Special “Moments”