Sand Arrives Just in Time for Seniors

Just in time for the first warning signs of winter snow, Derby-Shelton Rotarians spent the day loading buckets of sand and slat to be delivered to senior citizens in Deby and Shelton. This annual project under the direction of Kim Caro is a time consuming and physically challenging event for Rotarians as they fill the buckets and then deliver them in person to seniors who signed up in the weeks prior to the event.  Volunteers who participated in this year’s effort included:

Joe and JoAnn Shapiro
Doug LaMonte
Kim Caro
Linda Homes-Hannon
Carolyn Dow
Porter McKinnon
Jeff Forte
Tom Wilson
Chris Carey
Sharon Herman
Liza Gambin
Danny Allen
Sal Rio
Matt McGeen
Drew Scott

Over 90 seniors are benefitting from this year’s program.

Some additional pictures:

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