Derby/Shelton Rotary ClubScholarship Winners 2008
Linda Holmes-Hannon presented checks to scholarship winners Nicole Miencik, Kimberly Rogers, Caitilin Youngquist and Justin Mbaswa at Rotary's Janary 8, 2009 meeting in Shelton. Derby/Shelton Rotary Club has presented checks to the winners of the Club's Scholarships for 2008. The students were informed of their awards in June, 2008, but the awards are presented after the successful completion of their first semester at college. The Club awards scholarships to eight students from Derby and Shelton High Schools every year. Each school is awarded three scholarships annually while two other scholarships are awarded to a student from either school. Students are presented their awards following the successful completion of their first semester at school. Click on the links to learn more about each of the scholarships. The 2008 winners are:
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